Surah Yasin or Surah Ya Sin (Arabic: يس) is the 36th surah in the Qur'an. This surah consists of 83 verses, and includes the Makkiyah surah groups. Named Ya Sin because this surah starts with two Arabic letters Ya Sin. Just as the hidden meaning of the letters of the alphabet Alif Lam Mim or Nun which is located at the beginning of several surahs of the Koran, so is the meaning of Ya Sin which is included in the category of verses mutasyaabihat. One of the most widely read letters by people in Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. Imagine, almost every week there is always a recitation to read the letter Yasin in various mosques throughout the Southeast Asian country, especially on Friday night. Not to mention during the tahlilan (7 days, 40 days) and so on.
Yasin and tahlil surah application is an android application that displays verses of Surah Yasin with audio and translation in English and Indonesian. There is an arabic surah yasin full audio screen. Supports 4 languages including Arabic, Latin, English (English) and Indonesian. Touch the verses of sura yaaseen to listen to the MP3 audio.
+ Clear arabic text.
+ Arabic, latin and translation modes.
+ Mp3 Murotal Mishary Rashid Alafasy, Hani Ar Rifai.
+ Play, Pause, Replay & Repeat Murottal Audio.
+ Main menu as user navigation.
+ Surah yaasiin (Yaseen) Offline (no internet connection needed).
+ Free apps.
+ Comes with short chapters of juz 30 or JUZ AMMA to memorize.
+ Applications can be saved in EXTERNAL MEMORY.
Hopefully this yasin and tahlil complete application can be useful for all Muslims from various social strata, educational backgrounds and ages and can add to our piety towards Allah SWT. Aamiin